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Chinese translation for "table scan"


Related Translations:
demand scan:  询问扫描
scanning microphotometer:  扫描显微光度计
scan sector:  扫描空域
fractional scanning:  局部扫描
reflective scan:  反射扫描
electronic scanning:  电子分色电子扫描的电子扫探
scan circle:  扫描圈
circumferential scan:  圆周扫查
scanning device:  扫描器扫描设备扫描装置扫探装置
scanning arm:  扫瞄臂
Example Sentences:
1.Table scans always read and lock all the rows in the table
2.Cumulative count of range and table scans started on the index or heap
3.However , if no indexes are available , the query optimizer must use a table scan
4.A table scan generates many disk i o operations and can be resource intensive
扫描表会有许多磁盘i / o操作,并占用大量资源。
5.It will choose indexed access if it has lower cost than table scan
6.Table scan behavior
7.The method may be a table scan , or may be scanning one or more indexes if they exist
可能采用的方法包括扫描表和扫描一个或多个索引(如果有) 。
8.Avoid indexing very small tables because it is typically more efficient to do a table scan
9.The optimizer is more likely to choose a full table scan over an index if the value of this parameter is high
10.This prevents a large table scan from completely dominating the buffer pool and adversely impacting random operations
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